Goulburn Family Support Services

Helping families help themselves

about us


Goulburn Family Support Service Inc. (GFSS) is a not for profit organization that is community managed and funded by the Department of Communities & Justice to provide services to disadvantaged families in crisis. 

GFSS has proudly been part of the local community for 40 years providing much needed emotional support to individuals and families caring for children. Our agency employs family workers to assist by providing support and education to 'help families help themselves'.

GFSS has developed an ‘explicit practice framework’, which incorporates knowledge of the psychology of affects and emotions in practical application to enable an understanding and better management of behaviours that harm relationships.


Our Mission


We are committed to support the development of the family through competence increased options, independence and community participation by coordinating resources, providing opportunities, information and education according to each person’s need.


GFSS will provide an environment which values and respects each person’s right to be heard and acknowledges the importance of their stories told, providing a professional service that understands individual differences and supports each person experiences and their right to an increase in self - determination.

Our committee

GFSS Committe has the overall responsibility for the service, overseeing the financial management, work health & safety requirement, funding and compliance.

Our committee members of 2023-2024 comprise of:

Anne Cowling- President

Jason Shepherd - Secretary

Joanne McCauley - Treasurer

Sharon Fitzgerald
